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We provide expert advice on land quality, to facilitate a safe and sustainable built environment.

Assessing contaminated land issues early in the planning process is crucial for minimising liability and ensuring regulatory compliance.  We specialise in providing consultancy services to fulfil pre-application and pre-commencement planning requirements for brownfield sites.

Rob Allen

Rob Allen BSc, MCIWEM


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I’m Rob Allen, Director at Sequoia Environmental.  For the last 12 years I’ve been helping my clients with planning issues relating to contaminated land and brownfield site development.  I’ve managed environmental assessment and remedial work on hundreds of sites including: gas works, petrol stations, pesticide factories and tanneries.  I founded Sequoia Environmental to help protect the UK’s green spaces by facilitating much-needed development on brownfield sites.  If you have any queries relating to contaminated land, or to discuss your site in more detail please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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